SunEdison completes New Hampshire’s largest solar power plant
SunEdison completed construction on New Hampshire’s largest solar power plant, a 942 kilowatt (KW) DC solar power plant for the town of Peterborough. SunEdison will supply solar energy generated by this system to the town over the next 20 years, saving taxpayers an estimated US$250,000 on energy.
“The town of Peterborough is blazing the trail for more renewable energy projects in New Hampshire,” said Tom Leyden, SunEdison’s vice president of partner development. “Solar projects like this one save taxpayer’s money and bring new economic activity to the area in the form of construction jobs and land lease payments. And because we’ve worked with dozens of municipal customers, we know how to meet their unique needs in even the most challenging circumstances—in this instance we’re constructing the solar system on a capped waste water lagoon at the town’s waste water treatment plant.”
“The town of Peterborough welcomes the new solar power plant, which is a part of our plan to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions while generating energy savings,” said Rodney Bartlett, Peterborough’s town administrator. “The SunEdison solar system will save our town more than US$250,000 over the 20-year life of the agreement, and helps us meet our sustainability and climate goals. SunEdison’s proven record of delivering high quality solar systems made them the ideal choice for the project.”
The Peterborough solar system is expected to generate more than 100% of the town’s waste water treatment facility’s electricity needs. The system will also offset electricity at other municipal buildings, and will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 17 million pounds over the period of the agreement—the equivalent carbon sequestered by more than 6,300 acres of U.S. forests in a year.
SunEdison collaborated with Borrego Solar, a leading developer, designer, installer, and operations and maintenance provider of commercial solar, to complete the project after acquiring it from Borrego Solar earlier in 2015.