Enel Green Power invests US$180 mn in PV plant in Chile

Enel Green Power (EGP) has completed and connected to the grid the first 20 MW of its 97 MW Carrera Pinto photovoltaic plant, located in the Chilean region of Atacama.

The solar plant is owned by Parque Solar Carrera Pinto S.A., a subsidiary of Enel Green Power Chile Ltda. The remaining 77 MW of the photovoltaic facility are expected to be completed and enter into service by the second half of 2016. Once fully operational, Carrera Pinto will be able to generate over 260 GWh each year – equivalent to the annual power consumption needs of around 122,000 Chilean households – while avoiding the emissions of more than 127,000 tonnes of CO2.

EGP is investing approximately US$180 million in the construction of Carrera Pinto, as part of the investments foreseen in the company’s current business plan. The project is financed through the Enel Green Power Group’s own resources and is supported by a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA).

The energy generated by the Carrera Pinto solar plant, which is located 60 kilometres from the city of Copiapó, will be delivered to Chile’s Central Region Transmission Network (Sistema Interconectado Central, SIC).