Air Products featured in Toyota’s “Fueled by the Future” campaign

Based largely on an iconic film, Back to the Future II, Toyota’s “Fueled by the Future” campaign focuses on its new hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle, the Mirai, and the technology used to fuel the vehicle today, which is a technology field largely led by Air Products.

The Toyota video is timed to the exact date set on the time machine in the original movie, as well as the Mirai on-sale date, and shows that the concept behind the mythical trash-powered car is already a reality today.

Recreating many familiar scenes from the movie, Toyota’s “Fueled by the Future” video explains how companies like Air Products are turning trash into hydrogen to fuel cell cars like the new Mirai.

A second video, “Behind the Science,” was created to explain the technology in a little more detail. Both videos show an Air Products steam methane reformer, which produces large-scale quantities of hydrogen, as well as an Air Products SmartFuel hydrogen fueling station for filling vehicles.

“Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles are hitting the nation’s roads now, and thousands more are on the way as automobile manufacturers are initially targeting the California market,” said Ed Kiczek, Air Products’ global business director‒Hydrogen Energy Systems.

“Air Products is excited about the critical role we play in providing the fueling infrastructure required to support both today’s hydrogen-powered vehicles and the major vehicle rollout expected over the next year. It is a privilege to collaborate with Toyota on this promising technology, which is making an impact by reducing pollution and increasing energy security.” Kiczek said.