UOB Kay Hian Research maintains market weightMarch 6, 2015 // 1 CommentUOB Kay Hian Malaysia Research is maintaining its market weight for the oil and gas (O&G) sector since the share prices [...]
California halts oil and gas production wellsMarch 6, 2015 // 1 CommentA dozen wells used to pump oil and gas in California’s Central Valley have been ordered to stopproduction to [...]
Indonesia to set up gas distribution special agencyMarch 6, 2015 // 2 CommentsJAKARTA -The government will establish a special agency to coordinate the supply and distribution of gas to remove supply [...]
Oil and gas groups angered by Ohio’s proposed tax increaseMarch 5, 2015 // 0 CommentsOHIO – Industry representatives voiced opposition March 3 to Gov. John Kasich’s proposed tax increase on oil and [...]
AGL slapped with $15,000 fineMarch 5, 2015 // 0 CommentsSYDNEY – Australia’s leading energy supplier AGL has been slapped with a $15, 000 fine for a gas leak at its field [...]
New natural gas pipeline progressingMarch 4, 2015 // 2 CommentsPlanners behind a new natural gas pipeline for the European market said contractors are invited to bid on offshore [...]
Sarawak to negotiate for more oil and gas royalty from PetronasMarch 4, 2015 // 1 CommentKUCHING – Sarawak will continue to negotiate with Petronas for better royalty for its oil and gas, said Chief Minister [...]
Cal Dive files for bankruptcyMarch 4, 2015 // 0 CommentsOffshore oil and gas contractor Cal Dive International said the company and its U.S. subsidiaries filed for voluntary [...]
Pertamina to take charge of Indonesia’s Mahakam gas blockMarch 3, 2015 // 2 CommentsJAKARTA – According to reports, Indonesia is placing Mahakam gas block under the state-owned oil and gas firm, [...]
APAC liquefied petroleum gas market expected to reach US$100 bnFebruary 27, 2015 // 0 CommentsThe Asia-Pacific liquefied petroleum gas market is classified on the basis of source, application, and country. Source [...]