India looks at setting up more petrochem complexesDecember 8, 2015 // 1 CommentIndia is waxing a policy to establish 12 more petrochemical complexes in order to have one complex in each 16 refineries, a [...]
EU initiative presents options for exploiting carbon dioxide to produce rubber/synthetic fibresDecember 8, 2015 // 3 CommentsNew possibilities for utilising the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide were a topic at the recent UN Climate Change Conference in [...]
East Africa: hot-bed for energy investmentsDecember 2, 2015 // 5 CommentsEast Africa is emerging as a hotbed for energy related investments not only for its robust economic growth, but also for its [...]
Walter Oil & Gas installs platform in Gulf of MexicoDecember 2, 2015 // 2 CommentsWalter Oil & Gas Corporation installed the recently completed Coelacanth Field platform at Ewing Bank Block 834 (EW 834) [...]
Dolphin Energy secures US$863mn loanDecember 1, 2015 // 3 CommentsAbu Dhabi-based Dolphin Energy, a government-controlled company that produces and transports natural gas to the United Arab [...]
Liquefied Natural Gas infrastructure market to reach US$55bn in 2016November 30, 2015 // 0 CommentsThere are a number of exciting Liquefied Natural Gas LNG liquefaction prospects around the world in 2016, both under [...]
Severneftegazprom appoints new directorNovember 27, 2015 // 1 CommentSeverneftegazprom Board of Directors made a decision to appoint Vladimir Dmitruk as the company’s Director General [...]
Gazprom meets with CNPC and PetroChinaNovember 26, 2015 // 0 CommentsVitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Wang Dongjin, Vice President of CNPC and Huang Weihe, [...]
Aker Solutions wins BP contract in NorwayNovember 26, 2015 // 4 CommentsAker Solutions won a framework agreement to provide maintenance and modifications services at BP-operated oil and gas fields [...]
Bechtel hands over LNG Plant to QGC in AustraliaNovember 26, 2015 // 4 CommentsBechtel today handed over operational control of the Queensland Curtis LNG plant to its customer, QGC, completing the [...]