Rocky Mountain Resources CEO oil market forecasts proven correct

CALIFORNIA – Rocky Mountain Resources CEO Chad Brownstein has again correctly predicted trends in the oil market. Recent predictions that Chad Brownstein made publicly on CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg Television include:

  • Oil bottom prior to Jordan war
  • Market “War Premium”
  • OPEC would not alter output
  • Global margin call
  • Investors can’t price risk
  • Oil below $50

Rocky Mountain Resources has a proven track record of success strategizing the formation, development and monetization of scalable natural resource enterprises. Recent comments by the company’s CEO, Chad Brownstein, on OPEC oil pricing strategies, among other prescient and public calls, have proved to be accurate, reaffirming the company’s position as one of the unique teams in the natural resource sector.

On a recent in-studio segment on Bloomberg ‘Market Makers,’ Brownstein correctly predicted that the Middle Eastern “War Premium” would be a factor prior to Jordan’s war efforts.

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