EFCA lauds approval of SGIP reforms in California

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) was commended by the Energy Freedom Coalition of America (EFCA) for approving the much-needed reforms to the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP). These reforms will reduce funding for fossil fuels and boost support for energy storage and renewable technologies. These innovative and clean technologies will help California achieve its ambitious energy and climate goals.

“Today, the CPUC made a decision that keeps California at the forefront of distributed energy, and the development of the clean energy products that will make the world a better place” said Genevieve Dufau-McCarthy, of EFCA member company SolarCity. “We are grateful for all five Commissioners who supported the reforms and especially President Michael Picker for proposing the reforms, which will help enable distributed clean energy development in the state.”

The Proposed Decision:

  • Allocates 75% of the SGIP budget to energy storage;
  • Gives priority to storage systems that are paired with renewable energy
  • Structures the program on a step down basis similar to the California Solar Initiative;
  • Allocates 40% of the generation category to renewable energy and requires natural gas to blend with bio-gas;
  • Replaces the manufacturer cap with a developer cap; and
  • Carves out 15% of the storage incentives for residential projects.