Jiko Power’s new invention offers on-the-go renewable electricity

Finding electricity in remote areas or during disasters is a challenge people are facing all over the world. People travel long distances and pay huge amounts of money just to charge their mobile phones. On-the-go renewable electricity may now be available during disasters or in remote areas virtually anywhere in the world with a new invention from a Seattle, US-based startup company called JikoPower Inc.

The new invention, called the JikoPower Spark, is a small thermoelectric generator (TEG) with a 2-5 watt output using a water reservoir with a metal arm inserted directly onto a cooking stove or fire. “While people cook, the heat creates electricity that we capture,” explains JikoPower Founder and President Ryan Ahearn. “Many small devices can be powered via the USB.”

“When Hurricane Matthew left people stranded without electricity, the JikoPower Spark could have helped,” says Ahearn. “It’s frustrating for us, because we have invented a simple solution that can save lives.”

The hand-held device converts wasted energy from cooking stoves and fires into electricity to charge cell phones, batteries, LED lights, and other small devices.”We urgently need to ramp production to help in disasters and help people who live without electricity in developing countries,” says Ahearn.

The team went to Kenya and Uganda last July to test market the Spark using the grand prize money they won placing first at the 2016 University of Washington Business Plan Competition awarded by the Foster School of Business. “We came back with orders, distribution connections and moving personal stories from people whose lives were greatly improved,” says Ahearn. “The company is now poised for growth.”

“We saw mountains of unused donated shoes and clothes, yet these well-dressed people with cell phones were without basic electricity,” says JikoPower Co-founder and VP Marene Wiley. “With access to clean electricity, people no longer depend on dangerous, polluting kerosene for light and they don’t have to travel great distances or pay exorbitant fees to charge their cellphones,” she explains. “We have already seen women in Kenya using the JikoPower Spark to start their own businesses. The impact on their lives is amazing.”

According to Ahearn, 80% of people in Kenya have cellphones, but only 20%have access to electricity.

“We started JikoPower to help doctors who volunteer overseas like my mom, because it’s often difficult for them to charge their phones. We quickly realized the Spark has potential to save lives during disaster relief as well as create jobs while improving health with clean, environmentally-friendly energy,” he added.

The company is also recruiting for non-governmental organization (NGO) partners to receive the JikoPower Spark. To fund ramping production of the Spark, people may buy the devices for themselves o donate them to non-profit partners of their choice during the company’s Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign on October 18 to November 30.

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