Lehvoss launches new PEEK compounds designed for the energy industry

Lehvoss  North America recognizes the energy industry’s need for materials with outstanding performance, and has recently introduced a new generation of PEEK (polyetheretherketone) compounds that are specifically developed and formulated for the energy industry.

The compounds under the Luvocom EOG family are designed to meet the need for higher performance and lower risk in material selection. These new compounds offer unlimited life expectancy at 240 degrees Celsius (464 degrees Farenheit) in downhole environmental conditions per Norsok M-710 Standard.

“These new compounds help OEMs and processors address both new and existing application challenges. OEMs need better long-term performance such as temperature resistance and higher extrusion resistance, as well as more reliable mechanical properties. Processors have issues with manufacturing due to non-isotropic properties and non-optimized processing behavior,” said Robert Healy, Managing Director Lehvoss North America.

Healy also added that the Luvocom EOG materials, when compared to traditional PEEK compounds used in energy applications,  offer easier processing, shorter annealing time (up to 50% less) and reduced wear.

Additional advantages include reduced internal stress and warpage (up to 150% better shrinkage ratio). With nearly isotropic properties, the new Luvocom EOG compounds drastically reduce dependence on molding flow direction of mechanical properties.  And, the material’s high creep resistance means better extrusion resistance, which leads to more resistant and reliable seals.

Applications include bearings, bushings, thrust washers and gears, seals, back-up rings, packers and plugs, and compressor components. Each Luvocom EOG grade is focused on specific applications and is also a formulation platform for future customization.

Future plans for Lehvoss’ proprietary EOG technology include creating a material that is an optimized glass fiber reinforced PEEK with better resistance to hot water.

Luvocom EOG materials have achieved Norsok M-710 compliance for use in oil and gas applications. The standard specifically defines requirements for critical non-metallic (polymer) sealing, seat and back-up materials for permanent sub-sea applications.

Lehvoss enlisted Alpine PolyTech in Fort Worth, Texas to conduct the stringent Norsok tests on four Luvocom EOG.  The materials were tested at temperatures of 215 degrees Celsius (419 degrees Fahrenheit), 225 degrees Celsius (437 degrees Fahrenheit), and 240 degrees Celsius (464 degrees Fahrenheit).  The results showed no trend at the highest temperature of 240 degrees Celsius (464 degrees Fahrenheit), which means that unlimited life can be expected due to the environment up to and including 240 degrees Celsius (464 degrees Fahrenheit).

After 42 days, the trends of all compounds remained above the acceptance criteria and there was no progressive degradation of tensile properties due to the thermally accelerated chemical reaction between the EOG materials and H2S.  Alpine certified all four grades as qualified.