MOL Pakistan makes new gas discoveries in the TAL block

MOL Pakistan makes new gas discoveries in the TAL block

MOL Pakistan says it has made three significant gas discoveries in the TAL Block, where the company has operated for 25 years and produced hydrocarbons for 19 years. The Razgir-1 exploratory well was spudded in January 2024, and drilled to 3,950 m. Three successful well tests have been performed so far in three separate geological formations. MOL is the operator of the TAL Block and its share is 8.4 % of the volumes produced.

MOL spudded the Razgir-1 well in January 2024 and completed it ahead of the target date while testing operations are in progress to ascertain the full potential of the well.

Gas and condensate were discovered in three reservoirs. In total, “Lumshiwal-1 Formation” tested approx. 3800 boepd of gas and condensate. The “Kawagarh Formation” tested at approx. 3000 boepd, while in the “Lockhart Formation”, an approximate flow rate of 3500 boepd was achieved. With production strategy still to be assessed, MOL’s share is expected in the 400-800 boepd range, adding up to cca. 1% to the group’s total hydrocarbon production.

MOL Pakistan, a fully owned subsidiary of Hungary’s MOL Group, has been operating in Pakistan since 1999. The company holds working interests in four blocks and operatorship in the TAL and Margalla Blocks.

MOL made its first hydrocarbon discovery in Pakistan in 2002 and has since announced a total of 13 commercial discoveries, most recently in 2020 in the TAL block with the drilling of Mamikhel South-1 well. Since entering the Pakistani market, MOL has discovered more than 400 million barrels of oil equivalent of proven and probable (2P) reserves in the TAL Block. As the operating shareholder, MOL is responsible for 65 mboepd gross production in the TAL Block. MOL’s partners in the joint venture consortium are local O&G companies, OGDCL, PPL, POL and GHPL and MOL’s share is 8.4% of the volumes produced.

MOL Pakistan is said to contribute substantially to the energy security of Pakistan. With the production of 15,000 barrels/day, the company is the 2nd largest condensate producer in the country, 2nd largest in LPG production with 425 tonnes/day and the 5th largest gas producer, extracting 250 million standard cu ft/day.