New type of food packaging that’s edible, biodegradable discovered

Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture are investigating other forms of food packaging as an alternative to the current thin plastic film that are commonly used now. These plastic films are tougher to recycle and might be adding chemicals to the food.

The researchers have discovered a milk protein called casein that can be used to develop an edible, biodegradable packaging film.

The casein-based film is up to 500 times better than plastic at keeping oxygen away from food because proteins form a tighter network when they polymerize, the researchers found. It’s also more effective than current edible packaging materials made from starch and protects food products that are sensitive to light.

The team also added glycerol and citrus pectin to the casein film to produce a more practical packaging material. It is made by spreading a mixture of water and commercially available casein powder.

Glycerol made the protein film softer, and citrus pectin added more structure to the film, allowing it to resist humidity and high temperatures better. Laetitia Bonnaillie, a USDA researcher who co-led the casein packaging research, said the additives used by researchers also distinguish their packaging, because pectin is good for us.

Flavorings, vitamins, and other additives can be used to make the packaging, and the food it surrounds, tastier and more nutritious.

One of the potential applications could be as a dissolving packet of dried coffee or soup. Instead of tearing the top off and pouring it out, you just drop the whole thing in hot water, and it dissolves, adding protein to boot. Another is as single-serve food wrappers  that use large amounts of plastic for such products as cheese sticks.

Casein in liquid form can serve as packaging and food. It can be sprayed onto cereal flakes and bars. Many cereals currently maintain their crunch because of a sugar coating but could achieve the same goal without sugar using the milk protein.

It could even be used to line pizza boxes. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned perfluorinated chemicals, which used to coat the cardboard surrounding your pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese pie, a sprayed-on casein coating could serve as an alternative product to prevent grease and stains.

Bonnaillie saidit will be many years before the USDA researchers can make it available as they are still at the very beginning of a process of finding applications for a product that has the potential to be “so much better than plastic.”

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