Waste-to-Energy lab opens in IrelandSeptember 11, 2015 // 1 CommentThe Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies (Crest) is a new laboratory designed to turn waste into energy. [...]
Ayala Corporation builds solar power plant in Negros ProvinceSeptember 9, 2015 // 0 CommentsThe Ayala Corp.’s AC Energy Holdings Inc is planning to build a solar power plant in the province of Negros Oriental [...]
South Korea plans to build power plant in IranSeptember 9, 2015 // 3 CommentsThe Korean Electric Power Corporation is planning to build a 1000-MW power plant in the Chabahar Trade and Industrial Free [...]
Drought-affected Zambia to increase power cutsSeptember 8, 2015 // 4 CommentsLUSAKA – Zambia state power utility Zesco Ltd will make power cuts after drought hit the nation and lowered the water [...]
Nova Scotia and Britain to slash renewable energy fundingSeptember 8, 2015 // 2 CommentsNova Scotia and Britain has plannedto slash renewable energy funding amidst fears that renewable energy projects have been [...]
Scomi Energy weathers economic slowdownSeptember 8, 2015 // 1 CommentKUALA LUMPUR – Chief Financial Officer Mukhnizam Mahmud of Scomi Energy Services has announced that the company has not [...]
California producers increasingly energy-efficientSeptember 7, 2015 // 0 CommentsProducers in California are becoming more energy-efficient and produce more value for every dollar spent on electricity, [...]
Solar energy powers 10 % of Japan peak summerSeptember 7, 2015 // 5 CommentsTOKYO – Asahi newspaper has reported that solar energy has contributed to 10 % of peak summer power supplies or [...]
Aspen now runs on 100% renewable energySeptember 7, 2015 // 1 CommentAspen is now running on 100% renewable energy. This follows a “decade-plus” city goal, said city Utilities and [...]
Solar Farm company establishes itself as an I.P.P.September 4, 2015 // 0 CommentsNORTH CAROLINA – Innovative Solar Systems, LLC (ISS) has become one of the largest developers of Utility Scale Solar [...]