Britain and Germany go head to head over green energy debateAugust 21, 2015 // 1 CommentBritain and Germany are expected to go head to head over a debate on how to meet renewable energy targets for the next 10 [...]
Indonesia agrees to RP106.3 Trillion geothermal investmentsAugust 21, 2015 // 3 CommentsJAKARTA – Indonesia will formalize agreements of RP106.3 Trillion’s worth of geothermal investments at the 4th [...]
Howard Buffet investing millions in hydro projects in war-torn CongoAugust 21, 2015 // 0 CommentsThe son of billionaire Warren Buffet is investing millions to repair war-ravaged Congo through his idea of hydro projects. [...]
15 geothermal permits issued by Indonesian governmentAugust 20, 2015 // 1 CommentJAKARTA – The Indonesian government have issued 15 permits for domestic and international firms to manage geothermal [...]
Pertamina plant to start generating electricity by next yearAugust 20, 2015 // 1 CommentIndonesia’s Pertamina is expected to generate electricity from its geothermal plants by August next year. This is when [...]
Adani negotiates to secure fund from Softbank, Foxconn for US$3 billion solar planAugust 20, 2015 // 2 CommentsTalks are underway between India’s Adani group, Japan’s Softbank and Iphone-maker Foxconn for the former to secure [...]
Denied bank loans, solar relies on crowdfundingAugust 20, 2015 // 3 CommentsLarge banks have been shunning solar projects which are often small in scale. This has led these projects to rely on [...]
US$12 billion solar colossus in the worksAugust 20, 2015 // 0 CommentsKerry Adler has high hopes for the future: he is planning a series of solar deals amounting to US$12 billion in total [...]
Fitters Diversified Bhd sees huge potentialAugust 19, 2015 // 0 CommentsFitters Diversified Bhd is seeing huge potential. It has proposed to purchase a 40% stake in Germany-based renewable energy [...]
Euler Hermes Energy launchedAugust 19, 2015 // 0 CommentsCredit support and risk management company Euler Hermes Energy has been launched. This is to help energy firms battle the [...]