US, Indonesia to increase ties on geothermal energyAugust 10, 2015 // 3 CommentsThe US and Indonesia have pledged to strengthen their ties to collaborate on private investments in geothermal energy. The [...]
Georgia’s push towards solar energy already underwayAugust 10, 2015 // 3 CommentsATLANTA – Despite a call by President Obama for Georgia to slash carbon dioxide by 32 %, the state is already underway in [...]
Program to encourage small-scale electricity producers in Nova Scotia terminatedAugust 7, 2015 // 2 CommentsHALIFAX – A program to encourage small-scale electricity producers in Nova Scotia have been ended by its government. The [...]
CBU to explore geothermal potential at minesAugust 7, 2015 // 0 CommentsCumberland County’s former mines will be studied by Cape Breton University students as a potential geothermal resource. [...]
EON set to sell its hydroelectric plants in ItalyAugust 7, 2015 // 1 CommentGerman power company EON has announced that will sell its hydroelectric plants to Italy’s ERG group. No sale price was [...]
Energy Transfer Equity sees rise in earningsAugust 7, 2015 // 1 CommentLower costs have propelled the second-quarter earnings of Energy Transfer Equity LP 82 %. Meanwhile, the profits of its [...]
Australia Utility Ergon Energy Selects SunPower and Sunverge Energy for Residential Solar and Storage ProgramAugust 7, 2015 // 0 CommentsSunPower and Sunverge Energy selected for Residential Solar and Storage Program SAN JOSE— Australia’s Ergon Energy has [...]
NV Energy accused of wiping out solar industryAugust 7, 2015 // 1 CommentThe solar industry is accusing NV Energy of trying to wipe them out by imposing a new set of proposed rates for home solar [...]
Brazil switches off thermal plants; looks to rain and windAugust 6, 2015 // 0 Comments2, 000 megawatts of thermal power will be switched off in Brazil on Saturday as the country looks into hydro power systems [...]
Energy Transfer advances to second round of bidding for Williams CompaniesAugust 6, 2015 // 1 CommentEnergy Transfer Equity LP has entered its second round of bidding for William Companies, those familiar to the matter said. [...]