JCI calls for Japan revision of renewable energy ratio

JCI calls for Japan revision of renewable energy ratio

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) recently called on the Japanese government to upwardly revise its target renewable-energy ratio for fiscal 2030, currently set at 22-24%, to a more ambitious ratio of 40-50%, closer to levels declared by the US and European Union countries.

The JCI statement issued recently asks the government to raise the renewable-energy target rate in the nation’s next Strategic Energy Plan, which is scheduled to be finalised this year. The statement also encourages Japanese companies to play a larger role in the effort to decarbonise global industry as well as to raise their in-house goals to more ambitious levels to help to limit climate change.

The JCI is a network of Japanese corporations committed to strengthening communication and the exchange of best strategies and solutions among all entities in Japan that are working to combat climate change.

Chemical firm Teijin Limited, a JCI member company, says that it supports the call. It has a long-term vision of supporting the society of the future and contributing to the realisation of a sustainable world.

Teijin adds that its goals for lowering the groupwide environmental impact include achieving net zero emissions by fiscal 2050 and gradually replacing its current source of electricity with renewable energy.

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