US Energy Secretary Perry pushes for US “energy dominance”June 28, 2017 // 3 CommentsUS Energy Secretary Rick Perry is pushing the Trump administration’s energy policy agenda focused on US “energy [...]
Cambodia to set up 100-MW national solar power park programJune 28, 2017 // 3 CommentsCambodia’s state-run energy utility Electricite Du Cambodge (EDC), with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), [...]
Vestas Wind Systems eyeing MidEast, Asia Pacific renewable energy marketsJune 26, 2017 // 0 CommentsDanish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems A/S is looking to expand in the Middle East and the Asia Pacific [...]
Huadian-Teninskaya joint 483-MW CHP plant goes online in RussiaJune 21, 2017 // 6 CommentsA China-Russia joint 483-megawatt (MW) gas-steam combined heat and power (CHP) plant, making it China’s largest [...]
Celanese/Sabic jv to start up Saudi POM operations in third quarterJune 9, 2017 // 0 CommentsIbn Sina, a joint venture between US speciality materials firm Celanese Corporation and Saudi-headquartered materials firm [...]
Mexico to host World Energy Leaders’ Summit in SeptemberJune 7, 2017 // 1 CommentMexico will be hosting a World Energy Leaders’ Summit, in September 12 to 13, 2017, which will form the highlight of a [...]
Japan, US discuss cooperation in energy sectorJune 5, 2017 // 5 CommentsUS Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Japanese Industry Minster Hiroshige Seko met to discuss cooperation between the two [...]
Engie to invest US$1 bn in India’s solar energy sectorMay 31, 2017 // 0 CommentsFrench energy giant Engie is looking to invest a minimum of US$1 billion (Rs65 billion) in India’s solar energy segment [...]
Solvay’s Hyflon PFA helps develop more energy-efficient heat exchangerMay 24, 2017 // 5 CommentsThe advanced Hyflonper fluoroalkoxy (PFA) fluoropolymer by Solvay, a leading global supplier of specialty polymers, has [...]
UAE, Indonesia consider US$5 bn energy dealMay 19, 2017 // 4 CommentsDiscussions regarding a possible US$5 billion energy partnership between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Energy Minister [...]