Wolverine Power and Exelon construct wind plant in Michigan

Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, a not-for-profit electric cooperative, entered into a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Exelon Generation, for 153 megawatts of wind energy in Michigan’s Thumb region.

The wind power will be supplied from the Michigan Wind 3 project, which will be located in Sanilac County, Michigan. Exelon is scheduled to begin construction on the project in spring 2016 and begin commercial operation by December 2016.

“Wolverine is excited about the addition of Michigan Wind 3 to its portfolio,” states Eric Baker, President and CEO of Wolverine. “This project positions Wolverine favorably with significant renewable generation. When Michigan Wind 3 is complete, Wolverine expects to have more than 350 MW of wind generation in its portfolio, meaning Michigan cooperatives will achieve a 30 percent renewable level.”

“Wind energy is an important element of Exelon’s strategy to offer more low-carbon electricity in the marketplace. We’re pleased to partner with Wolverine to provide clean energy to its members and to continue to grow our clean energy portfolio,” says Corey Hessen, vice president, Exelon Generation Development.

“The Michigan Wind 3 project allows us to expand our wind generation presence in Michigan, increasing our fleet capacity in the state to more than 550 MW. Furthermore, Michigan Wind 3 is an investment in the future of the Sanilac County communities and will provide a boost to local economies through jobs, taxes and community spending.” Hessen says.